Thursday, July 29, 2010

iPad Camera Connection Kit

Some points about this kit:
- iPad automatically opens when the kit plugged (with SD card in it) in to the iPad.
- Before import, we can see the small thumbnails of photo & video, but we cannot zoom it (pinch out) for bigger preview.
- Not all video format can be imported directly to the In our test, we can import recorded video with Photo JPEG codec (from Nikon Coolpix P1) but not H.264 codec (from Canon EOS 500D).

- We can plug our Canon EOS 500D via USB & the reads images in the memory card.
- We can plug USB Flash disk to the kit & the detects images inside DCIM folder.
- We can plug USB card reader to the kit & the detects images from any kind of memory cards.
- We can plug the iPhone via USB & the reads images from iPhone Camera Roll.
- We can plug self-powered portable hard drives (note: flash drives & portable hard drives may not work as it relies for the USB adapter for power)

More review about iPad Camera Connection Kit,15716.html

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

iMovie for iPhone 4: Something is missing

iMovie for iPhone 4 is the ultimate weapon for vlogging. It's a powerful editing app in a tiny mobile device. But something essential is missing: Cut tool for clip splitting. Yes we can trimming the clip but it's a bit annoying to drag the trim 'handles' on the whole clip, especially when that one clip has multiple scenes & we want to remove the unnecessary scene.

IDEA: double tap the clip to reveals the trim 'handles' & cut 'handle'

Wish Apple will add this tool in the future update for iPhone 4 iMovie.

Friday, July 02, 2010

A Moment with Finger Video Editing on iPhone 4


Seorang teman di sini memesan unlocked iPhone 4 dari UK. Setibanya di Kuwait, kami diberi kesempatan untuk mencicipi iPhone generasi ke-empat ini. Sekedar ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya melakukan kegiatan video, dari pengambilan gambar hingga editing.

Untuk pengambilan gambar, tap-to-focus sangat membantu untuk mendapatkan kesan shallow focus. Tidak ada yang istimewa selain itu.

Focused, unfocused

Namun begitu mencoba, sebuah pengalaman baru menyunting video dalam sebuah layar kecil. Tepatnya: menyunting video dengan jari telunjuk. UI & navigasi di dalamnya sangat touchable & bersahabat. Amazing, saya bisa scrubbing video dengan jari saya di dalam sebuah 'mesin editing' sekecil ini. This is true finger scrubbing for video editing. Finger editing!

Video di bawah diedit langsung di & di-export sebagai HD 720p (half-HD).